Behind HaHu Scripts

about us

Nigist Goytom, Founder & CEO

Nigist (Linkedin), a mother of 3 from Ethiopia, established Ha Hu AG in 2021 Zürich Switzerland, with a dream to fill a vital gap she faced to find literacy tools for teaching her children how to read and write her mother tongue, Amharic, an East African language. Drawing on her architecture background, she transformed her vision into reality, by developing our first MVP HaHu Scripts. She leads Design, strategy , UI/UX (User Interface and Experience) Design, engineering, and overall operations, ensuring Ha Hu’s continued success and impact. 

Picture by Geoff Pegler 

Or Feldman Salem, Co-Founder & COO

Or (Linkedin), a mother of 3, is an Education Specialist in Children’s culture and technologies, she enriches Ha Hu, with her expertise in curating stories from diverse cultures and tailoring content to meet users’ unique needs. Or’s previous experience in an Israeli startup focused on finance, provided invaluable insights for our strategic development. With her background in business and a specialization in children’s culture and technology, she is instrumental in adapting the platform to cater to our diverse users.

Picture by Geoff Pegler 

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Li Bo (Bob), Senior Software Developer

Bob is originally from China, residing in Japan, he brings over a decade of expertise in project management and software development. He has been an integral part of Ha Hu’s journey since concept inception, joining the team even before the launch of our first working prototype in 2020. Officially joining Ha Hu AG, after our establishment in 2021, Bob is primarily responsible for server operations, backend development, and iOS development.

Outside of work, Bob enjoys soccer and skiing. With his dedication and skills, he strives to contribute to the continued growth and success of Ha Hu.

Li Bo Linkedin

Xiang Jan (Jan), Senior Software Developer

Jan, is a software developer from China with 7 years of experience in the field. He joined Ha Hu AG in 2021 as an early founding team member, specializing in frontend and Android development. His focus lies in creating innovative, efficient, and user-friendly applications designed to positively impact users’ lives.

Through his technical expertise and collaborative efforts with the team, Jan is proud to contribute to the success and growth of Ha Hu.

hahu scripts

External Supporters & Team members

  • Giulia Misino PHD Student, 2025, LinkedIn
  • Hunter Wilson, Junior Software Development Intern 2025
hahu scripts

Download our ever scaling and improving first product HaHu Scripts now! Our mobile application is currently functional for two East African languages, Amharic & Tigrigna. We are currently working on improvement & scale up to more languages, scripts & cultural stories.